Tuesday, May 13, 2014



Some, there may be, who consider the knowledge of where to find Quinces a picayune possession...

but if one has a lust for quince jam on morning toast, it's priceless knowing.



The Garden

Sometimes when I was a five year old kid, I'd sit on Ozzie Wilson's shady back porch and look out upon the sun flooded back vegetable kitchen garden. There was a martin house about midway and humming birds, wrens and mocking birds were everywhere. The fencing was fronted with a type of domestic blackberry and a fruit orchard was beyond. Nothing spectacular was going on. One could tell life was happening.

This is a warm spot on my mind that I often go back to.  The Ranchera garden reminded me.                                                          


There must be lots of portraits of me with different pet rabbits in my arms.  When I was about two and a half or three years old and totally white haired.....
Elbert at Three

I was not only drawing constantly at three, I was also very unpredictable in behavior and would just vanish if not closely watched.  When I escaped my mother, I never just came home at suppertime, I kept wandering and examining the things I saw until I was found and returned home.

Many Bunny Portraits

My mother, on a whim, asked an artist living next door whether he needed a model.  Happy Days! he did and he kept the treats coming... gave me undivided attention.  

When we had finished a painting, we piled into his convertible "rag top" Ford

Us in Rag Top Ford

and headed for the Indian market near Oklahoma City Capitol Building to search for ornaments and treats for our next sitting. 

I loved his car and the rabbits and the portraits he painted of me.  I wish I could have kept even one of them.  But I didn't!


Saturday, May 3, 2014




"Life Is The Last Thing We'll Ever Do" I tend to think of me more as we . . . to think of my collection of cells, sinews and nerves, as being like a colony of honeybees.  I can relate to the constant humming, I . . . We hum a lot too.  We need a home.  Bees need a hive.  We  all need a sustainable environment to exist.
A song by The Daylights  "The Last Thing We'll Ever Do". brought tears to my eyes . . . it is so true and beautifully stated.  I'm . . . We are almost 88 . . . just getting up in the morning and looking at my first cup (may be last).   :-)   The song and the humming of bees woke me . . . Us.  Elbert